Does Humidifier Damage Electronics? What Experts Say?

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We are living with electronics in this modern world. We use smartphones, laptops, computers, and TV in our waking hours. We also use different electronic devices while we are sleeping. Right? More importantly, we use humidifiers in our home to keep it warm in winter. We use a cool-mist humidifier to cool our room in summer.

You may be living in a cool area, so you have to keep running your warm-mist humidifier to warm the room.

Sometimes, it becomes our concern, “does humidifier damage electronics.” I have researched a lot and found that 30-50% humidity does not damage electronics, but it could.

In this article, I will explain how humidifiers damage electronics and all about humidity, electronics, and their relationship. How much humidity damages electronics and how much does not. Keep reading.

Does Humidifier Damage Electronics?

A humidifier does not damage electronics when the humidity level is normal. If the humidity level is more than 70-85%, it will significantly damage electronics like – computers, laptops, TVs, smartphones, etc. Slight damage can occur if the humidity level increases slightly more than average.

Humidifier Effects On Electronics

Humidity has a great relationship with electronics discharge (ESD). An imbalance in electronic discharge results in severe damage to sensitive electronic components.

Humidifier Effects On Electronics

When humidity level drops suddenly, an imbalance in electronics discharge occurs. As a result, our electronic device’s circuit fails to work. The laptops fail to provide maximum output. Printers do not provide enough color while printing a piece of paper. Likewise – computers and smartphones have less output.

In a controlled humidity level, ESD will be constant, and electronics have maximum output.

Besides, maintaining recommended humidity levels decreases static electricity.

A standard humidity increases the quality of production in the electronic industry. On top of that, it is suitable for workers.

Last but not least, a humidifier increases the weight of the dust molecules, so they settle down to the earth. In a dry air condition, dust enters the nooks and crannies. Electronic devices do not function efficiently. For instance – the laptop keyboard does not take the keypress, the desktop power button is not working, etc. So, when the dust settles down due to the humidifier, you may save your money for repairing electronic devices.

How High Humidity Level Affects Electronics

Many experts recommend 50% humidity as the maximum humidity level for indoor electronics. Whereas some experts say, 60 % is the maximum. However, electronics start damaging if your room’s humidity level increases more than 60%.

In high humidity, electronics devices start malfunctioning, short-circuiting, damages due to the condensation of the soldering process. As the water vapor level is higher in high humidity, the exposed metallic parts start corrosion. Corroded metal parts never conduct better in transferring electricity. Instead, it increases the resistance.

How Low Humidity Level Affects Electronics

The recommended low humidity level for electronics is 30%. If it is lower than 30%, the solder paste dries out and causes several defects in electronics. Soler paste works on solder joints.

I have already mentioned how low humidity levels affect this article’s earlier part. In low humidity, static discharge damages lead to short-circuit and damage to electronic components. The current intends to flow on the high resistant pathway.

In low humidity, semiconductor devices are easily affected due to static electricity. However, TVs and computers are not hypersensitive to static electricity, so they will be functioning even though humidity levels decrease slightly more than normal.

How Can You Use A Humidifier Without Adding Too Much Or Too Little Humidity?

Well, running a humidifier all day and night increases the humidity level constantly. On the other hand, if you do not want to run a humidifier, environmental air mixes with your room air and decreases humidity levels.

How Can You Use A Humidifier Without Adding Too Much Or Too Little Humidity

So, how can you use a humidifier without adding too much or too little humidity in your room to protect you and your electronic devices? Think? Have you found any method?

It is simple. You have to use a hygrometer that informs your home’s humidity level. Or, many of the humidifiers come with a humidistat that also shows any changes in humidity.

You should run your humidifier when you see a lower value on the hygrometer or humidistat. On the other hand, you must stop your humidifier when the reading is higher than normal humidity levels.

My final tip is – you can buy an automatic humidifier. An automatic humidifier stops automatically when the humidity levels increase than normal and vice versa. All you have to do is – set up your desired humidity level.

Types Of Humidifier

There are five types of humidifiers. Four of them are portable, and one is a fixed humidifier.

Types Of Humidifier

Portable Humidifiers:

  • According to Healthline, an evaporative humidifier adds too much water vapor

into the air. As a result, it will increase the humidity more than normal in a shorter period. Ultimately, too much humidity damages your electronics.

  • Impeller humidifier: This humidifier is best suited for a small room. If you install it for a larger room, then the humidity will be lower than normal in this particular room. Meanwhile, electronics will damage due to low humidity.
  • Ultrasonic humidifier: An ultrasonic humidifier is the best portable humidifier. It emits water vapor efficiently. But, you have to use a hygrometer to balance the humidity levels.
  • Steam humidifier: You can use it for your small room. Likewise, an impeller humidifier you should not use for a larger room.

Fixed Humidifier:

  1. Whole house or central humidifier: Well, this humidifier is most efficient. If you run it for an extended period, the humidity level increases faster. Consequently, corrosion of metal parts and electric circuit shock will happen. So, you must use a hygrometer to maintain proper humidity.

Is The Whole House Humidifier Enough To Protect Electric Equipment?

The whole house humidifier is enough to protect your electric equipment. Central or whole house humidifier works with your HVAC system’s ductwork. It works efficiently because of incorporation with HVAC system ductwork. You do not need to maintain it daily, weekly, or even monthly. You have to clean it annually. Ooh, I forget to say – you have to use a humidistat with it.

Is The Whole House Humidifier Enough To Protect Electric Equipment

Alternative Ways To Add Moisture To Protect Electric Equipment

The simplest way to add moisture to the air is – put a water-filled pot on window seals. You can also boil water in the kettle to disperse the fog throughout the room.

On top of that, you may keep your bathroom door open after a shower. As heat from the vent or oven makes your room air dry, you can use dry clothes to eradicate heat.

Spraying water with a spray bottle is also an excellent choice to add moisture to the air every hour.

Besides, you can use the humidifying kit in your room to keep it comfortable.

How To Make Safe Use Of Humidity To Help Electronics

To make safe use of humidity to help electronics, you have to follow these two management practices.

  • Cover your electronics devices: To prevent dust from building up in electronics devices, you should cover all electronics devices. You should at least cover heavy floor-kept machines with fabrics because they are closer to the dust.

Keep your television upper with a stand. Keep desktops, laptops, keyboards, etc., on the table that will keep them out of the reach of dust.

  • Maintain a safe distance between electronic devices and humidifiers: You should not keep your humidifier directly close to the devices. This practice decreases the efficiency of laptops, desktops, and other electronic devices.

You should not place humidifiers, laptops, desktops, mice, keyboards on the same table.

You should place a humidifier in a dry environment but keep a safe distance (3 feet) from your electronics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Bad To Have A Humidifier By A TV?

No, it is not bad to have a humidifier by a tv, but you should place it 3 feet away from the TV. You might also ask me, “can humidifier damage TV.” It will damage if you set it closer to the TV and do not monitor the humidity level.

Can Humidifier Damage Computer (Desktop, Laptop)?

Sure, a humidifier can damage the desktop when the humidifier comes in contact with a power cable or screen. Besides, direct humidification can damage the circuit components. Again, if you do not keep the humidity level within 60%, desktop metal parts will start rusting. Over humidity pulls dust to the pivot points of the desktop, eventually pasty sludge damage the sensitive parts of a desktop. Similarly, it happens to the laptop.

Does 80% Humidity Mess Up Electronics?

An 80% humidity messes up electronics by condensing the soldering process. Due to this condensation of the soldering process, devices start malfunctioning, short-circuiting, damaging. Besides, excessive water vapors cause corrosion of metals parts of electronics and home equipment.

Will Correcting Low Humidity Protects Electronics Also Your Health?

Correcting low humidity not only protects your electronics from damaging components, defects in joints, higher static electricity but is also good for your health.

In low humidity, you will feel dyspnea, hiccough, irritation on the skin, nose bleeding at night, and so on.

So, you have to balance your low humidity to protect yourselves and your computer, laptops, TVs, etc.

Can Dew Damage Electronics?

Yes, dew damages electronics because the humidity is 100%. When humidity is 100% at the dew temperature, corrosion of metal parts of electronics will happen continuously. Malfunction of TVs, computers, smartphones occurs at dew temperature.

Do Humidifiers Cause Mold?

No, humidifiers do not cause mold until it adds extra moisture to the air of your home. Mold grows in a warm and moist environment. Excessive humidity means excessive moist in a room, so mold gets a favorable environment to grow. To get rid of it, you should monitor your home’s humidity levels.

Humidity Sensitive Electronic Devices

Devices that have a semi-conductor are sensitive to humidity. Here is the list of humidity sensitive electronic machines –

  • Laptop
  • Computer
  • Smartphone
  • Tablet
  • TV
  • Printer
  • Game console
  • Radio, etc.


The final words of me on “does humidifier damage electronics?” is that humidifier does not damage electronics till you use it properly, following the user manual. Before cleaning it weekly, you must first go through the user manual and read and re-read the manual. Constantly monitor your home’s humidity level to ensure the ideal humidity range. You will get higher electronics devices efficiency.

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